Saturday, March 29, 2014

March 27, 2014 Meeting

Earning the Honest and Fair Petal.
Petal Purpose: When girls have earned this petal, they'll know how to be honest and fair.

Lupe the Lupine (loo-pin) is the flower that represents the Honest and Fair Petal.
The girls listened to a story from the Daisy Scout Handbook about Lupe. 
She was faced with a situation where she had to make the right decision that was honest and fair. Some pigeons had delivered a gift of freshly made cheese from Dairyland Farm for Lupe to share with all the flower friends. Lupe was really hungry and considered taking a piece for herself before she shared, and hiding the evidence. She began to open the box, then stopped and thought, "This present is for everyone. It wouldn't be fair to eat some by myself. And it wouldn't be honest to pretend I hadn't eaten any."

We discussed:
  • Do you think it would be fair if Lupe ate a piece of the cheese? No, because the cheese is a present for everyone. 

  • Agreeing with what is right; Treating people in a way that does not favor some over others. 

    During the meeting the girls colored a picture of Lupe the Lupine, and made a Lupine bookmark.

    We used washable ink pads for fingerprinting the Lupine petals, but there were still a lot of blue fingers after washing.
    Hopefully the fingers are back to normal now.

    As we will each meeting, we started off assigning jobs or as they are called in Girl Scouts - Kapers. 

    Uma helped lead the Pledge of Allegiance, 
    We said the Girl Scout Promise. 
    "On my honor, I will try to serve God and my country.
    To help people at all times, and live by the Girl Scout Law."

    Larkin helped us say the first line in the Girl Scout Law.
    "I will do my best to honest and fair"
    We talked about what a promise is and what in means to be honest and fair.

    We learned a new Daisy song. Maggie did a great job as song leader.
    The girls had lots of energy and added some dance moves to the song. 

    Ms. Brooke and Ms. Jami flipped a coin to decide which game to play.
    We played the Truth or Fib game. Each girl took a turn being the caller. If a fib was called they ran to the side of the room with a sad face. If a truth was called they ran to the side of the room with a happy face. Here are some fibs we heard, "Every month in the year is November", "You are all 10 yrs old", Some truths were, "We all go to school at SBA". 

    When we had snack we had a fairness lesson.
     We had 7 apples, but 14 girls. The girls decided we could cut the apples in half to be fair. 
    Thank you to Ms Erica - Annika's mom for providing snack.

    We ended the meeting with the friendship circle and the friendship squeeze. We are still mastering the art of squeezing hands lightly and only when it is our turn. 

    Everyone got a certificate and a Light Blue Honest and Fair Petal
    to add to their Daisy Scout Uniform.

    If you have the girl scout hand book, you might enjoy reading the Lupe the Lupine story again with your daughter. 
    Here are some other books about honesty and fairness you can find at the library:

    "Sarah's Little Ghosts" by Thierry Robberecht
    "I Am Honest" by Mary Elizabeth Salzmann
    "I Am Honest" Henemann Read and Learn
    and "Being Honest" by Jill Lynn Donahue
    (the teachers read this book in class on Thursday)

    Thanks to Ms. Candy and Ms. Julia for helping out.
    Also thanks to a special guest Ms. Cathy - Caroline's grandma who was in town visiting from Philadelphia.